New shipment of PET masterbatch with additive (ADVNCA-E06)


Our new PET additive, ADVNCA-E06 shipment, has arrived in Houston, TX!

The additive is in masterbatch with bottle grade PET resin, IV. 0.80. as shown in the pictures below.


ADVNCA-E06 is a nucleating agent to increase PET product strength and shorten production time.

For off-grad or rPET, this additive can potentially increase the dosage of the material. 

Our extrusion customer has achieved a 100% rPP replacement over their virgin PP with our similar grade additive, ADVNCA-S05.  


Please contact us if you’re interested or have any questions.

We’ll be happy to send you some free samples!


– Polyinidex      Oct 15 2020

        PET free sample - Masterbatch resin, IV. 0.80, with additive ADVNCA-E06

PET Masterbatch with additive ADVNCA-E06

PolyIndex, LLC
PolyIndex, LLC
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