June 17, 2024

Black PIR PET flake available

Black PIR PET flake available. Please DM us if you’re interested. @rPET @PET_flakes @PIR @post_industrial_recycled Source: www.linkedin.com  
May 1, 2024
Bottle grade PET 1

Prime bottle grade PET

Prime bottle grade PET resin available, IV 0.80. Location: Houston, TX Feel free to contact us if you’re interested. #PET_resin, #Bottle_grade    
May 4, 2023
New PET load

New load of PET available

We have a new load of PET that arrived in Houston, ready to be shipped. Feel free to contact us if you’re interested.       […]
March 1, 2023
PETG off grade 1

PETG Off Grade/ Regrind

  PETG off-grade/ regrind material from Asia. Good color off-grade PETG resin (~8MT), with another 7-8 MT of PETG regrind. Feel free to contact us if […]
February 17, 2023
PETG new arrival resin

New shipment of Bottle Grade PETG

    A new shipment arrived in our Houston warehouse. Bottle grade PETG with IV. 0.70 and 0.73 (KD302 & KD303) Packaging: 1.0 MT SS bag […]
February 3, 2023
New shipment of bottle grade PET

New shipment of Bottle grade PET

    New shipment arrived – Bottle grade PET with IV. 0.80 and 0.84 (5015W & 5015X) Packaging: 1.1 MT SS bag or 25 kg bag. […]
November 27, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends! We’re glad to have the opportunity to help our community!                     […]
February 11, 2021


新年快樂, POLYINDEX 祝各位牛年鴻運, 事事順心!  HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all of our friends!
October 15, 2020

New shipment of PET masterbatch with additive (ADVNCA-E06)

Our new PET additive, ADVNCA-E06 shipment, has arrived in Houston, TX! The additive is in masterbatch with bottle grade PET resin, IV. 0.80. as shown in […]
October 16, 2018

We’re at the PACK EXPO International Chicago

We’re at the Pack Expo in Chicago! It’s always good to see some old and new friends. Please feel free to contact us if you have […]
October 19, 2018

USITC rules against antidumping duties for PET imports from five countries (via www.spglobal.com)

Houston — The US International Trade Commission has ruled against the US polyethylene terephthalate industry in relation to its request to impose antidumping duties on PET from […]
February 6, 2019

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!! It’s the year of the pig.   新的一年祝各位朋友, 新年快樂, 恭喜發財, 豬年行大運!!
May 16, 2019

EU to enact chemical threshold for recycled plastic (via resource-recycling.com)

European Union leaders appear to have settled on a limit for trace amounts of flame retardants in recycled plastics. A reclaimer called the limit “workable,” but […]
November 6, 2019

Polyindex Receives 2019 Best of Missouri City Award

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Polyindex Receives 2019 Best of Missouri City Award Missouri City Award Program Honors the Achievement MISSOURI CITY October 18, 2019 — […]
November 27, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends! We’re glad to have the opportunity to help our community!                     […]
May 4, 2023
New PET load

New load of PET available

We have a new load of PET that arrived in Houston, ready to be shipped. Feel free to contact us if you’re interested.       […]
May 1, 2024
Bottle grade PET 1

Prime bottle grade PET

Prime bottle grade PET resin available, IV 0.80. Location: Houston, TX Feel free to contact us if you’re interested. #PET_resin, #Bottle_grade    
June 17, 2024

Black PIR PET flake available

Black PIR PET flake available. Please DM us if you’re interested. @rPET @PET_flakes @PIR @post_industrial_recycled Source: www.linkedin.com  
Let's work together to achieve your goal!

Call us: 832-886-7828